viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

Greatest discoveries and inventions´


Who? born

Manuel Diaz De Abreu born January 4 in 1894 in Rio De Janeiro and died January 30 in 1962, was Brazilian physician and scientist, the inventor of abreugraphy a rapid radiography of the lungs for screening tuberculosis. He is considered one of the most important Brazilian physicians.

What did he do?

The invention was named abreugrafia in his honor by the Society of medicine and Surgery of Rio de Janeiro in 1936. Abreugrapy was largely discontinued as a mandatory screening tool in Brazil in the 1970, after antibiotic, treatment and public health programs greatly decrease de incidence of the disease, and also out of fear of unnsessary exposure to x- rays, particularly in children and pregnant woman.
Abreugrapy was not used in other countries so intensively  as in Brazil and a few other Latin American countries .

By Francina Manuele.

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